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Simple Strategy Achieve Health Goals 

 The Simple Strategy To Achieving Your Health Goals 

Your health goals should be a top priority. However, it’s easy to neglect or keep postponing our health goals for one reason or another. Here are simple strategies to achieve health goals.

Sticking to a healthy body routine can be tricky because most of us want to see fast results. When we don’t, we may feel discouraged or uninterested and end up putting the goals on hold. Modern society can also make the task of going after our health goals challenging. The hustle and bustle of today’s world mean that most of us have to juggle multiple personal and work responsibilities.

Nevertheless, going after your health goals does not have to be complicated. It is possible to achieve them with a well-thought-out strategy, which includes a few sustainable habits. So, how do you achieve your health goals—whether that’s to lose weight, build muscle, or reduce the risk of disease?

Here are tips that may come in handy in helping you optimize your health and feel better than ever before.

1. A Day At A Time 

Setting a long-term goal can make you feel like you are in a marathon rather than a pleasant run. Your health goals may appear overwhelming or unattainable. For this reason, consider breaking down your health goals into smaller “sub-goals” and take one day at a time.

Create a plan, stick to it, and be in the present moment. The rest will follow. For example, if your health goal is to gain muscle, focus on adding one rep at a time rather than getting your dream physique. This will feel more achievable, and it will be easier to build momentum.

2. Take A Rest 

Sometimes, the key to improving your well-being lies in giving your body time to recuperate. Regardless of how busy or stressed you feel, you need to take a rest. This starts with maintaining a good sleeping pattern.

Quality sleep is crucial for healthy cell function. Sleep deprivation is linked with several negative health outcomes. For example, a 2018 study published in Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders found that poor sleep quality may increase the risk of insulin resistance. [1] Another study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggested that sleep quality may be associated with the disruption of appetite hormones, impacting the risk of obesity. [2]

The importance of quality sleep in your health strategy cannot be overstated. Consider creating a sleeping routine whereby you go to bed and wake up at a particular time. You should also practice sleep hygiene habits such as dimming your light in preparation for bedtime, avoiding artificial lighting before bed, and staying away from coffee in the late hours of your day. If you suffer from sleep disorders like sleep apnea, ensure you visit a doctor.

3. Minimize Consumption Of Toxic Substances And Unhealthy Diets 

Unhealthy foods are incredibly prevalent in our society today—from refined carbs to artificial trans fats, ultra-processed foods, and added sugars.

These foods are notorious for increasing the risk of several diseases, which can be a major obstacle in your health optimization journey.  For example, research shows that added sugars such as high-fructose corn syrup are major drivers of diabetes and obesity. [3] Other studies claim that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to increased risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, and frailty among adults. [4] [5] Cut down on these unhealthy foods as part of your strategy to achieve your health goals.

Toxic substance abuse is another challenge in the way of your health goals. Substances like tobacco and alcohol are known to be addictive, with adverse effects on health. Regardless of social pressure or trends, understand that you cannot achieve your health goals if you keep adding toxic substances to your body. If you struggle with addictive substance abuse, ensure you get professional help.

4. Keep Moving 

When it comes to muscles, you either use them or lose them. Health experts have long advised people to stay physically active throughout their lives. Exercising helps you build and preserve your muscles. According to a 2022 study appearing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, exercise and muscle-strengthening activities may help reduce the risk of all-cause mortality and chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. [6]

5. Be Persistent 

While pursuing healthy living, it’s easy to go hard on yourself—and it is understandable. There is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve your goals as soon as possible. However, remember to show yourself some compassion. Do not beat yourself up or give up when you get off the set track. Even if you do, think of it as a learning opportunity and move forward stronger and wiser.

It is common to relapse into a poor habit if you do not develop resilience and self-love. Understand that everyone is prone to mistakes. Nobody is flawless. So, be persistent and patient. Determine what made your relapse and how you can avoid the situation from happening again.

6. Take it Easy 

Anxiety and stress may negatively affect your mental and physical health. For example, a 2018 study appearing in the journal Appetite claims that excessive stress can increase your cortisol levels, impair your metabolism, and increase the risk of weight gain. [7]

While stress can wreak havoc on your health, there are steps you can take to overcome it and lead a healthier lifestyle. Some simple ways to manage stress include taking a walk, practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation or deep breathing, and eating a diet of foods linked with lowering cortisol levels. [8] [9] If these stress-reduction interventions do not work or you cannot overcome stress, consider seeking professional help.

Health goals


Trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle may seem like a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to. Consider implementing these strategies in your journey to achieving your health goals. 

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1. Kline, C. E., Hall, M. H., Buysse, D. J., Earnest, C. P., & Church, T. S. (2018). Poor sleep quality is associated with insulin resistance in postmenopausal women with and without metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, 16(4), 183-189. 

2. St-Onge, M. P., Pizinger, T., Kovtun, K., & RoyChoudhury, A. (2019). Sleep and meal timing influence food intake and its hormonal regulation in healthy adults with overweight/obesity. European journal of clinical nutrition, 72(1), 76-82. 

3. Khawaja, A. H., Qassim, S., Hassan, N. A., & Arafa, E. S. A. (2019). Added sugar: Nutritional knowledge and consumption pattern of a principal driver of obesity and diabetes among undergraduates in UAE. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 13(4), 2579-2584. 

4. Malik, V. S., & Hu, F. B. (2019). Sugar-sweetened beverages and cardiometabolic health: an update of the evidence. Nutrients, 11(8), 1840. 

5. Marriott, B. P., Hunt, K. J., Malek, A. M., & Newman, J. C. (2019). Trends in intake of energy and total sugar from sugar-sweetened beverages in the United States among children and adults, NHANES 2003–2016. Nutrients, 11(9), 2004. 

6. Momma, H., Kawakami, R., Honda, T., & Sawada, S. S. (2022). Muscle-strengthening activities are associated with lower risk and mortality in major non-communicable diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 

7. Hootman, K. C., Guertin, K. A., & Cassano, P. A. (2018). Stress and psychological constructs related to eating behavior are associated with anthropometry and body composition in young adults. Appetite, 125, 287-294. 

8. Kobayashi, H., Song, C., Ikei, H., Park, B. J., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2019). The combined effect of walking and forest environment on salivary cortisol concentration. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 376. 

9. Soltani, H., Keim, N. L., & Laugero, K. D. (2019). Increasing dietary carbohydrate as part of a healthy whole-food diet intervention dampens eight-week changes in salivary cortisol and cortisol responsiveness. Nutrients, 11(11), 2563. 

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